CYCN: Connecting for kids

Network Membership

WashU faculty members on the Danforth and Medical Campuses whose research and clinical interests are aimed at improving the lives of children and youth

Spark Meetings

Monthly opportunities to learn, discuss, and form collaborations on research that is designed to improve the lives of children and youth

Upcoming events


Identifying data gaps in early childhood physical activity evidence

Wimberly J, Nguyen A, Memoli E, Kasman M, Heerman B, Pate R, Sommer E, Sedlak A, Reader L, Hammond RA, Barkin S. (2024) Frontiers in Pediatrics, 12, art. no. 1485500

Author Keywords
children; contributors; physical activity; screen time; self-efficacy; socioeconomic status

WashU Schools
School of Medicine

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Systems approaches for uncovering mechanisms of structural racism impacting children’s environmental health and development

Payne-Sturges DC, Ballard E, Dilworth-Bart J. (2024) Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 69, pp. S91-S101

Author Keywords
Child development; Ecological models; Environmental health; Structural racism; System dynamics; Systems thinking

WashU Schools
Brown School of Social Work

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Leveraging group model building to operationalize implementation strategies across implementation phases: an exemplar related to child maltreatment intervention selection

Cruden G, Powell BJ, Frerichs L, Lanier P, Brown CH, Saldana L, Lich KH. (2024) Implementation Science Communications, 5 (1), art. no. 134

Author Keywords
Child maltreatment; Child neglect; Community-engaged research; Evidence-based program; Group model building; Implementation strategy; Prevention; System dynamics; Systems science

WashU Schools
Brown School
School of Medicine

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Prenatal social disadvantage is associated with alterations in functional networks at birth

Nielsen AN, Triplett RL, Bernardez LM, Tooley UA, Herzberg MP, Lean RE, Kaplan S, Meyer D, Kenley JK, Alexopoulos D, Losielle D, Latham A, Smyser TA, Agrawal A, Shimony JS, Jackson JJ, Miller JP, Raichle ME, Warner BB, Rogers CE, Sylvester CM, Barch DM, Luby JL, Smyser CD. (2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (50), pp. e2405448121

Author Keywords
functional connectivity; infant; prenatal exposure; social disadvantage; socieconomic status

WashU Schools
College of Arts & Sciences
School of Medicine

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The CYCN is generously supported by a
Here & Next Seed Grant from the Office of the Provost.