Job Opportunities, educational resources and other information of interest for those who seek to improve the lives of children and youth.
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Consensus Study Report: Launching Lifelong Health by Improving Health Care for Children, Youth, And Families
Board on Children, Youth and Families
Explores how to better meet all children’s needs and leverage community supports by rethinking health care financing, public health investment, community partnerships, and accountability
Posted 9/19/2024

Consensus Study Report: A New Vision for High-Quality Preschool Curriculum
Examines preschool curriculum quality for children ages 3-5, with special attention to needs of Black and Latine children, multilingual learners, children with disabilities and children experiencing poverty in the U.S.
Posted 9/16/2024

Consensus Study Report: Closing the Opportunity Gap for Young Children
Identifies causes/costs/effects of the opportunity gap in young children and explores how disparities in access to quality educational experiences, health care, and positive developmental experiences from birth through age eight intersect with key academic, health, and economic outcomes.
Posted 9/16/2024

Consensus Study Report: Social Media and Adolescent Health
Ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Recommendations for policymakers, regulators, industry, and others; Focus areas include platform design, transparency and accountability, digital media literacy among young people and adults, online harassment, and supporting researchers
Posted 9/11/2024